13th Hellenic Congress of Hypnology 251 Air Force General Hospital (amphitheater) 03.11.2023-05.11.2023 +30 210 3668853 congress@afea.gr https://afea.eventsair.com/13opanellinioypnologias/
European Advanced Course on Clinical Turbeculosis Royal Olympic Hotel 25.10.2023-27.10.2023 +30 2103668855 info@eacctb2023.com https://www.eacctb2023.com/
Educational Course “Laparoscopy is here to stay” Crowne Plaza Hotel, Athens 19.10.2023-20.10.2023 +30 210 3668852 congress@afea.gr https://bit.ly/45IcX7o
44th Panhellenic Congress of Cardiology Thessaloniki Concert Hall 12.10.2023-14.10.2023 +30 2103668892-856 congressdpt@afea.gr https://bit.ly/panellinio-kardiologiko
8th Panhellenic Scientific Symposium of Children and Adolescents Endocrine Problems Ξενοδοχείο Royal Olympic 06.10.2023-07.10.2023 +30 210 3668856-855 congress@afea.gr https://bit.ly/paidikiefivikipaxysarkia2023
79th Congress of H.A.O.S.T Divani Caravel Hotel 04.10.2023-07.10.2023 +30 2103668852-851-892 info@eexot2023.gr https://www.eexot2023.gr/
C.LA.S.S Courses 2023- 4th Chapter Hygeia Hospital 29.09.2023-30.09.2023 +30 210 3668852 congress@afea.gr https://www.nodeinstitute.org/class-courses/
34th Panhellenic Conference on Perioperative Nursing SY.D.NO.X. Congress Center Kipriotis Hotel Kos 21.09.2023-24.09.2023 +30 210 3668857-895 info@sydnox2023.gr https://www.sydnox2023.gr/