CSR & Sustainable Development

Since 2017, AFEA Travel has proceeded to a number of actions regarding Corporate Social Responsibility. AFEA Travel has developed an integrated Corporate Social Responsibility strategy in cooperation with AIPHORIA Consulting which is implemented in its daily operations. Through this strategy AFEA Travel is aiming to identify and manage issues related to Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Development practices in MICE and Corporate Travel.

The intensive efforts of AFEA Travel have resulted to the Gold Recognition level accreditation from Ecovadis, a third party assessement platform. 
Within the framework of the implemented Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, a number of actions were carried out, such as:

  • Development and communication of the Corporate Vision, Mission and Values
  • Stakeholders identification and mapping
  • Employee training and awareness raising on Corporate Social Responsibility, Sustainable Development and Environmental Management issues
  • Development and implementation of an Environmental Policy
  • Development and implementation of the Policy on Labour Practices and Human Rights

AFEA Travel has become a signatory of the United Nations Global Compact, the international initiative of the United Nations, which calls companies to take action towards the protection of labor and human rights, environmental protection and anti-corruption. During 2019 and 2018, AFEA, incorporated the 10 principles of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and declared its support to them. Moreover, through the annual Communication on Progress Report, AFEA discloses its actions towards the support of those principles and shows leadership in the sector. All our actions are the outcome of our well-developed strategy on Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability and of our commitment to our Polices and Code of Conduct. This report is of major importance to our Company as it reflects our progress and strong commitment on each of the four areas of UNGC: Human rights, Labour rights, Environment and Anti-corruption. 

In 2019, AFEA Travel became a member of the CSR Hellas Network, being the first meetings organiser and travel management company in Greece to join this network. All corporate policies and actions are communicated to
all staff, subcontractors / partners and suppliers of the company.